dal 4 Gennaio 2020 al 30 Giugno 2020
Descrizione del progetto
We have one world and we are responsible for protecting it from threats as a citizenship. If human beings minimalize the usage of the products in their daily lives, they will produce less waste. Our worlds resources decreases day by day and we should take precautions urgently. In this way, We can directly and positively impact one of the biggest global threats of our time.
Visiona i Materiali
Il progetto eTwinning “Less consumption less waste” ha ottenuto il Quality Label Italiano ed il Quality Label Europeo.
1 - Our aim is to create awareness and to motivate the students to the idea of Zero Waste, through and options some activities, finding solutions and options against increased waste production.
2 - The students will share ideas with their family members and the people around them. In this way, they can achieve an awareness to the protect the nature a considerable extent.
3 -They will be conscious of the environmental problems surrounding them.
4 - The students will learn to consume the products more effectively and they significantly contribute to the resources of their countries economy.
5 - Students will improve their English and will speak more fluently. They will be in contact with other countries students
Gli alunni della classe 3B indirizzo scientifico e studenti provenienti da diversi paesi europei.
In collaborazione con
eTwinning, la più grande community europea di insegnanti attivi in progetti collaborativi tra scuole.
1- All the participants contribute to the solutions of environmental problems.
2- Creating a twinspace
3-Students are concious of preventing waste and protect the nature.
4-They perform this theme in their daily lives and spread the society conscious of environment as responsible individuals.